
Tuesday, September 8, 2015



Those that have lost someone you feel for them. Genuine feel for them, but you have no idea how to express it. You feel that saying something is presumptuous or intrusive. You try to be supportive or at least give the appearance of such. How do you know how much or to little to give?


You like posts, you say names, you remember things (and say them out loud to the closest to them), you can't stop thinking about every moment you had with them. You know how it feels. So you give and give until you have no more to give those that have lost. People you meet through the loss of a love one (which is a total thing) you try to find out more and more about the loss. It's a compulsion. You can't help yourself. You want to know the story, not exactly for yourself but for those left behind. It's a tie that binds us.

Cancer, accident, disease, natural, drugs, end of life. We are all connected. If you are not it's ok, but the one thing to remember is we are not contagious, beyond help, or don't want to hear anything, everything, something that you have about our loved one. Enough is said about what we don't want to hear, but understand that we want to hear what you feel, remember or know about our loved one. These are all we have left and we hang on to every word, crazy story or thought. Not one single day goes by that I don't think about my brother. I constantly battle with the fact that this is real. I will never hear his voice, feel his hug or see who he will become, but I still have the chance to know him through you. He was many different things to many different people. That is what made him so special. Don't ever hesitate to share this with us. We may cry, but through the tears we smile.

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