
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

4 Hour Body

I may not have been posting, but I have been here and doing things and generally surviving. I have missed doing posts, but I let the blog become a chore and not something I looked forward to doing. I still would often think about posting whenever I come across something cool or a new recipe, but haven't put anything actually together.

After some encouraging from friends and coach I decided it's time to give it another shot, without all the expectations I put on myself. Plus I really wanted to put my newest recipe down on the web somewhere so I could find it easily. Yup. It's all about organization on the web! So let's get right to it.

I have been trying this new diet/way of eating over the last 4 weeks and I love it. Like, big time OMG love it. It all started when I was discussing my unhappiness of my recent weight gain over the holidays (who am I kidding, the last two years) with my business coach and she suggested I read 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris. I figured what the hell, might as well check it out, because obviously nothing else has stuck. I started reading the book and it just made sense to me in a way no other diet or regime had ever clicked with me before. I also saw another huge benefit in the way I can easily fit this in with cooking dinner for my husband and myself. This portion of any diet can easily throw me completely off any diet within days. Who wants to prepare multiple meals for dinner, certainly not me.

The other major, and I do mean MAJOR, perk is there is a cheat day built in. A free for all if you will. You can read up on all sorts of opinions on it, but it comes down to eat whatever you want for one day a week. After a few cheat days, you learn to pull back and not go whole hog all at once, but it sure is fun trying. Oh and did I forget to add that you can have two glasses of red wine PER DAY on this? Well, yes you can and yes I have. Perhaps not everyday, but on days when I really want something not on the protein, vegetable & legume regime this is a very nice substitute.

While I haven't lost a crazy amount of weight that Tim advertises on this, I have found it to be so easy to keep up,  losing inches and at least 2 pounds per week and definitely have lots of energy. So I will keep up with it until it doesn't work.

One thing that is hard on me is breakfast within 30-60 minutes of waking up. I don't mind the eating as much as the preparation (remember it's a protein, veggie and legume every meal) first thing in the morning. When I was going through some of my old recipes, trying to find ways to turn them in to a Slow Carb (4 Hour Body) meal, I came across brunch egg cups. Light bulb went off. Instead of making eggs, spinach and beans every morning for breakfast, I can turn this into an egg cup that can be pre-made and last for up to a week in the fridge. YES! I then looked around and tried to find if anyone else did a slow carb version and I came across a few, but they just weren't right for me, so I took them all and made my own. If you aren't a slow carb eater, add some cheese and milk instead of water and these are perfect for a quick and easy breakfast during the week.

Slow Carb Egg Muffins

Makes 12 muffins (I usually eat two in the morning)

6 whole organic, cage free, free range, whatever type you like eggs
1 cup of egg whites (you can use 12 eggs instead, but I like to keep it a bit lighter in the morning)
Splash of water (for fluffier eggs)
Salt & Pepper to taste

Now here is where it gets fun, you can use whatever you want in your eggs, but here is what I use:

1/2 cup black beans
1 scallion, chopped
2 handfuls of spinach, chopped
1/2 bell pepper, chopped
3 pre-cooked patties or links turkey sausage, chopped

Heat oven to 375 degrees F.

Place muffin liners in muffin pan and evenly divide beans, onions, pepper, spinach and sausage among the 12 tins. Mix eggs, egg whites, water and salt & pepper in bowl. Pour egg mixture into each tin until just covering the ingredients.

Bake for 25 minutes. Let sit for 30 minutes to cool completely before placing in fridge. Heat in the microwave for 30-45 seconds before topping with salsa and devouring.

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