
Thursday, December 15, 2011

I want to go to there

Shopping in Europe is different than in the US. I am not talking clothes shopping, but everyday shopping. There is not that one stop shop (or at least close to one shop stop as it can be) over here, more directly there is not a Target. It's sad for people to be deprived of the most fabulous shop on the planet, but what's hard is trying to explain to people that have never been there what it is. I like to say it's the everything I need and everything I think I need, but don't need store. Seriously what store can you pick up your milk, an Issac Mizrahi dress, blender and toilet paper all in one? You can't think of one, I know it. Then there is the sneaky part of Target. You know the one. It's where you walk in the store to get a toothbrush, toothpaste and tissues. $150 later you leave with some awesome things that were only $4.88 so you bought 7 of them (at that price you should have bought 20, but you have restraint, duh). Then you get home go through your purchases and wonder how in the world you spent $150. Target I miss you and your frivolous products that adorn my house.

The holiday time this has really hit home because Target is one of the best places to get wrapping paper, decorations, fun holiday kid clothes and cool things for around the house that you can't just find anywhere else. This year I was asked to make the centerpiece for the Christmas dinner here in the Netherlands (which is fun!), but after going to 5 different shops to get most of the items that I need, I realized that Target would have had everything I needed and more (not to mention about $20 cheaper). So Target this post is for you, Europe needs you to build. If you build it they will come, I promise. Those of you in the US, hug your Target person this holiday (What? You don't have a Target person? Weird.) and throw that super awesome towel warmer in your cart for me. I will be home soon!

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